
Anti-Zionism is not Anti-Semitism

I see that at the end of the year 2013 I have been listed as number eight on a ranking list of the ten foremost “Jew- and Israel-haters in the world”. Yes indeed, in the whole world!

I, Trond born and bred at Bislet in Oslo, have been ranked among ten named persons, and that on a global basis! I ask myself what is behind this?

It was a journalist from the newspaper VG who brought this to my attention. He called and said that I was on the list and asked for a comment. At first I didn?t realize what it was all about, but then I understood: A list concocted by the Simon Wiesenthal Centre (also a Zionist organization. Concerning the terms used, see below.) of “Jew- and Israel-haters in the world”, as it says. But that is a hodgepodge of words!

The whole things demands more detailed comment. But first of all, regarding the word “hate”. That word must be discarded, as biased and demagogical as it is. However it does say something about the level of objectivity of the institution that has tabled the matter.

Then to the muddling of being against “Jews”, i.e. an anti-Semite, with being against the State of Israel – which for many, myself included, means being an anti-Zionist. Confusing the two terms – anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism – can be directly dishonest. And at any rate a grave error.

A dishonest muddle

Back to the dishonest aspect. You can be a political anti-Zionist, i.e. opposed to the theoretical basis which the State of Israel has, without being opposed to “Jews”! Sensible and relatively well-informed people have undoubtedly understood that. However, it may be opportune, if in the context of significant questions you wish to defend Israel, to call political opponents “anti-Semites”. That will dampen verbal criticism. The other person may not dare to put forward a clear standpoint, if that means risking being termed a racist.

More on the actual relationship between anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism: Those phenomena must be kept separate, even though there are some who might wish to combine them. Some people have gone to court to have the difference determined – the fact that you can be an anti-Zionist, but without being an anti-Semite. Some words must be said about that. However, first, a couple of quick definitions: Zionism is a political ideology. Whereas Judaism is defined as a religion. Zionism is the ideology or political thinking that forms the basis of the State of Israel. Zionism includes “a political orientation” which is “focused on Eretz Israel” which can be read in the Israel Pocket Library: Zionism (Jerusalem 1973). And from the same place: Hatred of Jews; Anti-Semitism is an “eternal” problem which means that Jews “need a country of their own to ensure their physical survival”. The background lies in the campaigns of persecution against Jews in Europe. The Jewish State shall be Israel. Eretz Israel was chosen. On a map issued by Israel s embassy in Oslo it is the area that stretches from the Mediterranean all the way to Irak, including the whole of Palestine, with Jerusalem and the West Bank, as well as the Kingdom of Jordan. All this is Eretz Israel, and represents an “inalienable right” for “the Jewish people”, as it says in a statement from the 28th Zionist Congress in Jerusalem in 1972.

We could ask what it means to the current political situation? Israel is building thousands of new, illegal settlements on occupied land areas, around Jerusalem and on the West Bank. Is this just a “provocative act” that “is preventing a two-state solution”, as leading politicians assert (also Norwegians)? Or is the driving-force a political ideology, Zionism? And if so, put a name to it!

A Danish court decision

You can oppose this political thinking without being an anti-semite! Actually that s obvious. It has also been determined by a Danish court! A person in Denmark in writing and speech had expressed the following view: A secular state should be established in Palestine with equal rights for Jews and Palestinians. The present Jewish state must cease to exist. This person was taken to court. The accusation was that he was “hounding” the Jews, as it was called, and propagandizing for anti-semitism.

In the court s decision it was said about Zionism: The term Zionism means that the Jewish people have a right to an independent state, a Jewish homeland in the Middle East, in what is called the Holy Land. and concerning anti-Zionism it was said: Anti-Zionism is an expression of the political view that a state in this area cannot be reserved for Jews, but that also other population groups have a historically-founded right to belong here.

Concerning anti-Semitism, the court stated: Anti-Semitism is a common term for attitudes which give expression to hostility towards Jews.

The courts decision in the case was as follows: It cannot be correctly understood that anti-Zionism is an expression of anti-Semitism.

Excellent! Now it has been judicially determined!

A new case?

The VG journalist I mentioned asked if I would now take legal steps to be deleted from the Simon Wiesenthal Centre s list, where I as an anti-Zionist – as is evident from my website, – have been displayed as a staunch anti-Semite, indeed, as one of the foremost ones in the world. My answer is as follows: Yes, that should definitely be considered!

But why go to all this trouble, you might ask? Well, to show solidarity with the Palestinians, who have been expelled and oppressed! And to focus on the ideology that promotes tension and war in the Middle East.

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